Saturday, February 17, 2007

Saturdays Post...

Well, i returned to work on Monday wheich meant a cessation of crafting...and healing. By thursday my hand was so swollen i was put back on leave for another two weeks. It took until friday for the swelling to receed enough to continue spinning. And here is what i did.
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It's a sweet merino, wool and firestar blend.
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And the finished skein, i hae plenty more to spin, as i'm thinking a triangle(simple) shawl would be sweet with this spring coloured yarn.
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Here's my hand, pre- work induced swelling(the ring has been off since monday afternoon!)
In other crafty news, the search to adapt my british Featherweight sewing machine is still on. No local sewing repair places want to mess with it. So i ordered a new plug assembly from brittain, which will hopefully fit the current converter i ordered. I found a fellow who refurbishes featherweights online, but to completely overhaul the motor from british to american electrical systems will cost about 200$.
So, i'll wait and see if the adapter will work first.(it's such a pretty machine!)
As the swelling receeds in my hand, the Dr. told me to carry on with my handcrafts as therapy. So i'll be back to my lace pillow within a few days, and plans for maille jewelry as well...and a few ideas for orifice hooks for spinning(thy're made of wire)
So, lots of plans...and not much time before i return to work- Again so,
Goodnight all

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