Sunday, November 4, 2012

Hello Sweetie(s)

Well I have let no small amount of time pass by on this blog. I've many reasons for this- the main one being that I do NOT enjoy whinging in public. I had a severe back injury that happened at my work, and have not been back to work since.

Not being one to lay down and give up, I've thrown myself into studying Spinning and knitting like mad since Dec, 2009. -I know- It's nearly That anniversary, which may well be why I'm back here, things aren't getting better for my back so why continue hiding from the world, right? I may as well keep blogging, after all- my fingers and my internet connection aren't wounded :)

I have learned SO MUCH about the Fiber Arts, my personal library is bursting at the seams (So sorry Librarything :( I haven't kept you up to date either!!)
I have been busy making friends in the Fiber Arts community, learning new things, Teaching and passing on as much as I can...friends have had babies so I've spun and knit for them(and knit with purchased yarn- like this lovely self patterning yarn (stars and stripes by Abbi Grasso)

When I cannot concentrate I have my mitered square blanket to keep my hands busy and my mind as off  of the pain as I can. The pattern is SO easy and good for the rough times.
I've spun and spun, and fallen in love with drop spindles (with the nerve damage spinning on my gorgeous wheels is not something my body can do for more than a few moments without increasing the pain and causing more issues(edema in the leg with nerve damage/etc.) yet!! I bought an amazing electric spinning wheel, a Hansen MiniSpinner it's allowed me to return to production spinning after a long time of not being able to do so! :D Haha!! I can even use this spinning wheel in bed with the help of Normal. (here he's holding the singles taut so we can see the difference between the single on the right and the piece of yarn i chain plied to get an idea of how it'll look as a three plied yarn when done :)
 So much has passed in three years, I'm sure I'll wind up having days where I revisit projects from the past- but my main goal is to keep moving forward. I was born with the Need to keep my hands busy, although my life has changed in dramatic and painful ways- this one thing is my saving grace. I can still create and make things for the people I love, and I will never Ever stop being thankful for this.
Happy November to my readers (and if you're still reading this I'm sure I can count you as a friend:)
My dear, accommodating Husband told me a few days ago that if I were to go fast or look inward for my true name, it would be 'Walks with Wool' I think  he's not far off ;)
Yours Truely,

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