Friday, March 9, 2007

Lazy Friday

Well, i realized that i had not given proper credit here to my lace teacher, and felt i should list her website in case anyone else wished to take part in a distance course for either Honiton, or Torchon Bobbin lace. Click on the link under shopping for International Lace Resources, as that's the place to go to check it out, or enroll. I can honestly say, even though i have not yet completed the course, due to Judiths teaching skills my lace has Drastically improved. And we've never even met in person!
Two nights ago i made my first Navajo plied skein of yarn...Lots of fun!
I've also finished another sample of lace, but decided to not post every class assignment, just when i'm particularly proud of myself.
I have spent many hours today downloading CDs and individual songs from CDs into my computer(and MP3 player) It amazes me, how much room all of this music takes up. Heck, at least they're not 8 tracks....i bet that would have eaten up a Lot more room than my CD collection!
Have a lovely weekend
love jenn

1 comment:

LadyShuttleMaker aka MadMadPotter said...

I found and etsy shop that has a lot of spinning items. I thought it might interest you.
