Sunday, January 21, 2007

We are in Buisness!

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lets see if this will fetch the picture... (oooh, it worked!)
This is my last Honiton lace sample, i am enrolled in The Lace Resources Honiton Lace course. I felt a bit of trepidation at taking a correspondence course in a lace as fine as Honiton, (well...that and the fact i am only just beginning my bobbin lace studies. I've dabbled in Torchon, but that is the extent!) The correspondence course is Phenomenal! I have truely grown in the few months since embarking on this wonderful journey, and my skills are improving so much. Pleased as a pickle, i am!
Currently i have some down time from lace, and work- which led me to create a blog here on blogger, partially from boredom, and partially as i had decided i wanted to be able to post about my handcrafts in depth. (and i have nothing but time right now, to play and figure out the features, etc.) Once my hand is healed, i'll be back at my lace pillow.
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and here it is, my lovely straw filled Honiton pillow.
This shall have to be enough for the first post today.
happy lacemaking!

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