And i've begun my second pair, knit with Noro Sockgarden yarn(a wool,silk,blend a bit of nylon in there as well.) It's a bit more thick and thin than i was anticipating, so i hope they turn out nicely!
Todays little project....koolaide dying. I'm boring, and undecisive, so i picked three packets and added them to the yarn before heating in the microwave. There won't be finished pictures until either late tonight or tomorrow as i heard the secret to a strong color was to let it sit and soak for a while.....
Oh, the yarn this came from, the BFL locks i carded with my very own drumcarder, and then spun up on Maurice and decided it was to be sample yarn so quickly navajo plied it so it wouldn't be so lightweight.(it's a 2.6 ounce skein)
Yep, i have my own drum-carder now! A vintage Clemes and Clemes hand crank drum's official now, i need a craft room as i've outgrown all my crafting cubbyholes in the apartment, and storing this beastie on the kitchen table just won't do!
The nicest part is all of these activities are easy on my hip!! Although all of this stitting around has me more than soon as i think, aw, i'll be fine and get up to walk a bit i realize that yes indeed...i need to Stay the F*!K OFF of my leg, and meekly sit back down whil my dear husband fetches me my pain medicine.