Well...i have been so busy that i have not had time to update any of the blogs!!!
I sent a very COLD weekend at the LCR January Crabshoot, and had a hell of a great time, some pics below of how beautiful it was, and i finished the simple shawl knitted out of my first real spinning efforts.

Here are some pictures taken while we were packing up after an afternoon of shooting with the kids...the sunsets around here are phenomenal!

and here are the required pictures of Normal... goofy as ever.

I have been busy with work...and in my 'personal time'things couldn't be better or more fun. the combining of households has gone wonderfuly, and kids, cats and adults are all getting along Fabulously well!
I was given a Zune for christmas....and i have found myself shocked at how easy it has become to listen to REALLY GOOD music, all of the time, it's also super cool as you can load photos onto it, and movies as well. The background picture right now is me shooting a M-4. (yep....me, the once pacifist, now enjoys shooting guns.)

This is the handgun i want.....a green glock. Well....how could i not want one, it's GREEN!!!!
I still spend time spinning, knitting and playing with the silver, the lace has taken a backseat right now, as it takes 100% concentration and i don't feel like devoting that much to it at the moment. I will again soon enough, my hands are beginning to miss the feel of manipulating the bobbins.
I've been busy cooking up a storm, today i'll be making brownies from my Most used cook book(i only follow recipies when baking....i make all the rest up as i go...)
I've been cooking from this book since i first followed a recipie as a kid. My mom scoured used book stores to find my sister and i copies when we moved out(we would have fought over her copy, i am sure!)Glad to see that they have newer editions of it as well now.
Ah, the brownies are for a friends birthday, i should make a double batch, which means i should leave the computer and get to work!