Friday, June 8, 2007

Love is....

I recall my Mother enjoying those little comics when i was a child, and i always thought them sweet.
Nothing could define love quite like the way young Normal made me feel yesterday, he jumped onto my lap, then wanted to be cuddled close. After 20 minutes of this, i decided to see if i could photograph this display of affection (which lasted an hour)
And here we are...
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And me holding him, looking a little creepy...
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No lace images, but i did finish the daisy with pearl edging sample and now get to begin a Poppy sample, once that is done, i'm on to the next unit and Fillings!!! (AARRGGHHH, which means leadworks as well) I still have yet to begin a 'real' project on Maurice, (yarn that is intended for something) as i can't decide. I Have achieved a foot of edging for my sister, which is not nearly enough, i know...but i just need to sit still with the tatting shuttles long enough to add substantial length to that. Well, work comes in the middle of the night tomorrow, so i had better run, i just had to share the sweet kitty pictures.
love jen

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Meet Maurice...

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Here is Maurice and Normal.
Sharon from is an amazing fiber artisan, and shepard?- She has many fiber animals, sheep,goats and rabbits. She invited me over for the evening to try out all of the Kromski wheels, i tried the ones i had been thinking about purchasing, and the Sonata, which had not crossed my mind to purchase...and guess who came home with me? The Sonata, who informed me that his name is Maurice. He is stained a beautiful Walnut, and my flash washed that tone out in the next pictures, but you get the idea of the shape...which folds into a compact little travel bag so efficiently(it's kind of wierd, really)
Well, it has a poly drive band, which i was suprised to find i really like. I was getting a feel for the tension with the last of my lime green roving. Can't wait for my first big project on this, as the bobbins hold 4 ounces(the ashfords only hold 2)
Here is the other pic- i shall take more later :-), i'm beat, yet need to get things done before crashing!
Love to all...jen
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