The workshop was this weekend, and it was darn near a 7 hour drive in. Saw nothing of the scenery going there(we arrived at 3 am friday) but here is what i saw going home....
As you can imagine, some beautiful scenery on the way home!
I took some pictures at the Workshop of the laces on display, but shall not post them, as i have not asked the makers permission- trust me though....Beautiful work!The wonderful Shuttlebirds Tatting Guild really did an amazing job, between the teachers and classes offered,the vendors, the door prizes and the food- All was fantastic. Two days of frenetic energy as we were able to put faces to internet posts, see old friends and build new friendships. All while learning wonderful new techniques, and new ideas for uses of the standbys. Lace was everywhere, and we were given the most adorable little table decorations(i'll need to photograph mine) little flowerpots with tatted lace flowers inside! I was able to maintain a tight grip on my pocketbook, as i really do have so much already in the way of threads and shuttles...books as well. I indulged myself with a selection of threads made in Romania(i'm a sucker for something new!)Also purchased were two books for the classes i took, and a water buffalo horn shuttle. (was busy lusting after the larger engraved one, with Celtic knotwork, but decided on a smaller plain shuttle as i prefer small shuttles to tat with) Oh, and a dozen glass bell ornaments to cover in tatting and beads. I'm a thrid of the way done with the first ornament, which will be a gift for a friend who is getting married :-) I do hope she likes it!
All i can say is if you have the opportunity to attend Workshops,conferences or lace group/guild meetings- DO IT!!! and do it often. Lacemakers are the most terrific of all communities, there are no tatting police, not one person felt snubbed because they did something the 'wrong' was a weekend filled with smiles and hugs.
I was able to meet my MySpace tatting friend Sherry finally, and after our year of online aquaintance we felt like long lost friends:-) I was So impressed by her work, she is definately Not daunted by large tatting projects!
So i'd best be off, we need fresh veggies and i want to get back home so i can work on that wedding present!
Love to all....
And yes, my boys were Showered with attention when i got in last night, look at the super long fur on Normal. (it explains why Jerry calls him fluffy...)